DevOps Engineer
Kansas City, MO
Spoken Languages
Programming Languages
I’m a Systems Administrator who went to school for Network Engineering that practices Software Development. My whole career has been filled with learning and putting those learning experiences to work whether it be for work, or hobbies. I have a passion for automation, continuous integration, deployment and making things work. I enjoy working with CHEF, Ruby, Zabbix, Jenkins, and most other tools I can get my hands on.
I served in the military for six years with the US Army Airborne out of Germany and Alaska. Now I live in Kansas City working as a DevOps Engineer for BlueKC. I am always striving to improve my workplace and my position by learning, and applying what I’ve learned. Being adaptive allows me to stay current and ahead of the technology curve. Virtualization, and Cloud Computing allow me to put into practice what I know and learn.
My development skills consist of: Ruby/Jruby, GO, Java, Python/Jython, C/C++/C#, JavaScript, NodeJS and Lua. I can also do Shell scripting with Bash for GNU/Linux and PowerShell for Windows. I also enjoy working on GNU/Linux systems including RedHat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, and ArchLinux.
In my spare time I enjoy watching re-runs, and playing video games on my PC. I also enjoy reading and playing Battletech the board game. I enjoy going to the gym and running, or running with friends, and socializing with friends regularly. Personal time is also very important, so I enjoy being outdoors fishing, or hunting.
DevOps Engineer
Performs training on Git Source Control, pipelines, software builds, systems automation, and containerization. I developed Ansible Playbooks, Terraform Modules, and Helm Charts to deploy applications to Azure Kubernetes Clusters. Two environments with two clusters each that run business critical applications. I also developed Python applications that interface with ServiceNow automating Change Requets. I work with Enterprise Architects to design and publish guidelines and documentation with Architectural Decision Records to standardize operations across the organization.
Senior Application Developer
Interim title. Worked with development teams and operations teams to help them learn how to use Git Source Control, Azure DevOps Pipelines, HashiCorp Terraform, and Red Hat Ansible.
Senior Systems Engineer
Working with Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, CI/CD, platforms such as Jenkins, RunDeck, Drone CI, and Concourse CI. Deploying applications via Docker and container technologies. Authoring Chef Cookbooks, and Ruby Gems. Worked with ElasticSearch and etcd for search and configuration storage, respectively.
Systems Engineer
Working as a System Engineer for Cerner Corporation on the Corporate Systems Management team. I manage the same systems as I did as an Apprentice. Those systems are the IBM WebSphere Application Server, Opscode Chef, Jenkins, GitLab, JBoss, WSO-2 Middleware, and Oracle Business Intelligence. I also write Chef Cookbooks, Ruby, and Shell scripts. Its always a learning opportunity.
Working as a systems engineer for Cerner Corporation in Production Management. Currently managing IBM WebSphere Application Server, Opscode Chef, Jenkins, GitLab, and Oracle My Business Intelligence Enterprise.
I am the lead I.T. specialist for the Brigade S6 team. I am in charge of six other battalions that fall under the brigade. I train, and lead these sections. As the brigade S6, I am the person who makes the network connections with the computer systems, and personnel who run them.
S6 Staff for the 173rd Brigade Support Battalion out of Bamberg, Germany. I deployed with the unit in late 2009, and set up network communications and radio communication for the entire Forward Operating Base Shank. Returning to Germany in November of 2010, I assumed the role of Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge of the S6 section for the Battalion and still hold that posision.
I was the I.T. Specialist for the 173rd Brigade Support Battallion in Bamberg, Germany. I worked with programming Cisco switches, baselining compuers with Windows XP, then Windows Visa when it became the new standard. I also worked with a device called STT, Satellite Transmission Terminal. I also cross trained with the use of tactical radio systems. I was able to learn, setup, use and troubleshoot a wide variety of radios.
While I was deployed to Afghanistan, I not only performed the same tasks and missions that I was doing in Bamberg, Germany, but had extra responsibilities. I controlled the IP network for the East side of the Forward Operating Base Shank for four months, then added in the responsibilities of other battalions. I also ran the first fiber backbone for the base, and replaced the wireless communications with fiber.
I worked as a COMSEC custodian for the 14th Signal Detachment out of Taegu, South Korea. We were the COMSEC custodians for the lower half of South Korea.
I developed one hour photos and also worked in the electronics department.
Worked as a cashier for Kmart in Cedar Rapids on Collins Road. Then I was assigned to night shift shelf stocking for a month then brought back to day time cashier.
Worked in a military surplus making ruck sack frames, tent stakes and jack stands.
Associates - Fundamentals of Network Engineering, Computer Science.
N/A - Programming, Computer Science.
High School Diploma, Network Engineer